.. _upload-dataset-quick: Upload a Dataset with the Management Console --------------------------------------------- Go to the Dataset View ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. figure:: ./img/datasetViewIcon.png Click + New Dataset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. figure:: ./img/newDatasetButton.png Click Upload File (JSON/CSV) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. tip:: You'll need to have your dataset ready as either a CSV or a JSON. If using JSON, the data should be a JSON array of objects. See :ref:`here` for examples. .. figure:: ./img/uploadFIle.png Give Your Dataset A Unique Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LightTag will choose a name based on the file you uploaded. Preview Your Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Click on the preview Dataset button. LightTag will show you the data you uploaded in a Table. Take a look, make sure everything is as you expected. .. figure:: ./img/previewDatasetButton.png .. figure:: ./img/previewDataset.png LightTag displays the contents of your Dataset. Find the field (column) that had the text you want to label Select The Content Field ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exit the preview page and return to the Dataset upload dialog. LightTag will show you the available fields. Choose the field with the text you want to annotate. That's the **Content Field** .. figure:: ./img/chooseContentField.png Press Create Dataset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's It