.. _review-Access-Controls: Review Access Controls ====================== LightTag enables you to define who can review which dataset through two mechanism, roles and :ref:`teams `. Roles ------- Managers And Reviewer ```````````````````````` LightTag has three roles, **Managers**, **Annotators** and **Reviewers**. * **Annotators** can only annotate data * **Managers** Can annotate, manage the entire project and review **any** dataset * **Reviewers** Can annotate and review a dataset their team is assigned to Assigning The Reviewer Role to a User in the UI ``````````````````````````````````````` To assign the user role to an annotator in the UI, go to settings, then annotators and toggle the Reviewer role on the relevant user. .. figure:: ./img/settingReviewer.gif Reviewing Teams ---------------- Roles control who may review. Teams control **what** a reviewer can review. Each :ref:`Dataset ` has a reviewing team assigned to it. Only reviewers who are on that team may review that dataset. A users permission to review a particular dataset is shown in the :ref:`pending review table ` and is indicated by an open or closed lock. .. figure:: ./img/pending_review.png Assigning A Reviewing Team to A Dataset in the UI ````````````````````````````````````````````````` By default, the reviewing team for a Dataset is the Everyone team. That means that by default, any reviewer can review a dataset. To change the reviewing team of a dataset * Go to settings * You'll be taken to the Datasets table * Modify the reviewing team .. figure:: ./img/changeDatasetTeam.gif