.. _suggestions: Suggestions, Pre-annotations and Model Analytics ################################################ .. raw:: html
With LightTag you can upload existing annotations, the output of your models and dictionaries. You can use these in two ways either 1. As Pre-annotations to help your team work faster 2. To review and compare multiple models and refine their outputs. .. toctree:: :caption: Guides: :maxdepth: 1 Suggestion Basics Suggestion At Scale Key Concepts ************* Suggestions Belong to a SuggestionModel ======================================== Suggestions are associated with a SuggestionModel that you register in LightTag. Each model can suggest concepts from the Schema it is associated with. SuggestionModels Belong to a Schema ==================================== For example, if you have a Schema with the Tags Person,Place and Org, you can register a Model to that Schema and it can suggest any of those tags. Testaments - Saying that a model has nothing to say =================================================== Sometimes your models will have no output about a peice of text (an example). To provide accurate analytics, LightTag let's you record ocourences where a model had not outputs. We call these records a Testament, that is the model attests to having viewed the example. Restrictions ============ You can add as many suggestions as you wish, and as many SuggestionModels as you'd like. The only constraints are that 1. A model may only suggest tags from the Schema it is associated with 2. A model can't output overlapping suggestions.