As your annotation projects grow in scope and complexity you’ll want to manage seperate teams of annotators. Some common use cases include

  • Enforcing access control policies on restricted datasets to qualified personsel only.
  • Assigning high-cost experts to work on evalutation data while assigning lower cost advisors to work on training data.
  • Grouping together annotators based on skills such as language or domain familiarity.

One or more teams is assigned to a Task. An annotator will only be shown from a task her team is assigned to.

Defining a Team

When you start, LightTag will autoamtically define an “Everyone” team that all annotators fall into by default. If you’d like to create a new team Go to Manager->Projects->Add Team as shown below

Defining a new team

Defining a new team

Assigning a team to a task

Once you’ve defined a team, you can assign it to work on a Task. In the UI this is done by defining a task definition as shown below

Defining a new team

Assigning one or more teams to a task